
Amazon IVS Player

Playing a live stream with the Amazon IVS Player SDK.

Video.js Player

Playing a live stream via the Amazon IVS Player SDK with Video.js Integration.

JW Player

Playing a live stream via the Amazon IVS Player SDK with JW Player integration.

Ambiance Canvas

Playing a live stream with the Amazon IVS Player SDK with an ambiance canvas effect.

Amazon IVS VOD Playback

A demo of playing back a recorded stream with chat replay.

Amazon IVS Radio Player

A demo of playing an audio only live stream.

Autoplay Amazon IVS Stream with Chat Events

Using EventBridge rules to send a custom Chat Event when an Amazon IVS stream starts.

Playback Analytics

Playback of a private channel with the IVS Player.

IVS Player (Private Channel)

A demo of producing playback analytics.

IVS Player with Closed Captions

A demo of rendering closed caption data over an IVS player.


Amazon IVS Chat

Adding live chat to an application that streams from Amazon IVS.

Auto-Translated Amazon IVS Chat

Adding translated live chat to an application that streams from Amazon IVS.

Amazon IVS Moderation

Moderating live streams and chat in an interactive application that streams from Amazon IVS.

Timed Metadata

Listening for and rendering timed metadata events from a stream.

Amazon IVS Chat & Geolocation

The Amazon IVS Player, with live chat and real-time broadcaster mapping. Use with Web Broadcast, Geolocation and More demo below.

Amazon IVS Live Shopping Viewer

The Amazon IVS Player live shopping experience. Use with Amazon IVS Live Shopping Broadcaster below.

LiveLike with Amazon IVS

Integrating LiveLike with The Amazon IVS Player.


Web Broadcast

Broadcasting to Amazon IVS directly from the browser.

Web Broadcast (Private)

Broadcasting to an Amazon IVS private channel directly from the browser.

Web Broadcast (With Captions)

Broadcasting to Amazon IVS directly from the browser with speech-to-text captions.

Web Broadcast (With Inline VOD)

Playing a VOD during a Web Broadcast.

Web Broadcast, Geolocation and More

Web Broadcast with chat. Broadcaster can send real-time GPS location to viewers. Device battery level warning also demonstrated. Use with Amazon IVS Chat & Geolocation above.

Lofi Radio

An example of broadcasting a "lofi radio" station via IVS with Web Broadcast using a looping pre-made GIF and licensed music.

Amazon IVS Live Shopping Broadcaster

An example of the broadcasting experience for live shopping.

LiveLike Broadcaster with Amazon IVS

An example LiveLike integration when broadcasting.

Amazon IVS Radio Broadcaster

An example of broadcasting an audio-only live stream.

Multiple Hosts

Creating a virtual stage to broadcast multiple hosts to an Amazon IVS channel.

Live Chat

Using a virtual stage for live chat (no broadcast).